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Mom - Mom-Lady

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 4:42 pm
by Edward
Mom-Lady is psychically linked to all of her children, allowing her to know what they are thinking, what they are doing, and where they are at all times. She can also communicate with them telepathically. Mom-Lady can control the will and desires of others. She can also sense when danger is near, and when in the Secret Kitchen she can also identify exactly what and where the danger is. She is also a powerful healer who can restore the body and sooth troubled hearts.

Re: Mom - Mom-Lady

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 4:43 pm
by Edward
The heart and soul of the Huntington operative known as The Family, Mom-Lady is the team’s true leader - and its biggest fan. An enemy to nobody and a friend to all, Mom-Lady dwells with her super-powered children, keeping their base clean and their bellies fed. Selflessly giving her all to the team, she thanklessly strives to make sure they are comfortable, happy, and healthy. However, she is more than a simple care-giver - she is also one of the most powerful beings on Earth.

Among her many powers, Mom-Lady has the tremendous and dangerous ability to control the will of those around her. She never abuses this incredible power, but it is an undisputed fact that she could potentially do anything imaginable through her power over others. Yet she is characterized by her self-control and discipline, and hers is an example of fortitude and responsibility. She strives constantly to teach her children to use their gifts for the good of humanity and for the benefit of her home - she is after all a tireless housekeeper and keeps an immaculate kitchen.

In addition to her ability to manipulate the actions of others, Mom-Lady is psionically linked to all of her children, allowing her to know their thoughts and giving her the power to reach them at any time and any place. She always knows where they are, what they are doing, what they are thinking, even what they are feeling. An empath of unequaled power, Mom-Lady’s insight can be unnerving to those not accustomed to her searching inquisitions and perceptive analysis - not even Mr. Mastermind can evade her all-seeing eye. She can telepathically communicate with her children's minds, and she is careful never to stray far from their thoughts, whether they like it or not. In addition, Mom-Lady can heal both minds and bodies through her touch and her comforting insight. She also possesses the uncanny ability to sense danger, a power which, incomprehensibly, is massively augmented while she is within the Secret Kitchen, to the point that she can identify the exact cause and location of the threat when in her hidden base. Oddly, she is especially sensitive to dangers found in kitchens themselves, a singular ability inexplicable even by the most gifted geneticists.

As a result of her powerful gifts, Mom-Lady is able to discern the truth under any circumstance; it is impossible to lie to her without her knowing. As a result of these and her other gifts, she is highly sought-after by the governments of the world as a counselor and adviser. However, as a mother she chooses only to interfere with world affairs that directly involve her own children - everything else to her is of peripheral concern. Yet though her children are the primary focus of her life, her influence over them and the choices she makes regarding them nevertheless have world-wide repercussions, and she is careful to weigh every decision with that important knowledge in mind. As the mother of the world's greatest heroes, her actions affect all the earth.

Mom-Lady is married to the miserable recluse known as Sonorus, and the two enjoy a relatively quiet and happy relationship despite the adventures of their fantastic children and the unending series of conflicts in which they are embroiled - whether with outside forces or even with each other. The two of them tend to be observers more than participants in the perpetual infighting, but they are not above involvement in the most serious issues which are beyond their children's capacity to handle alone.

The seven children of the two, along with their spouses, form the nucleus of The Family and are its charter members. Ian (Mr. Mastermind), the eldest, is for all intents and purposes omniscient, and is one of the most intelligent beings in the galaxy. Lily (Tripoli) is the teams official governmental liaison, gifted with foresight and profound perception through her psychometric abilities. Bryn (Helios) is a being of pure energy capable of unspeakable force and speed. Edward (Psion) possesses incredibly powerful telepathy and telekinesis. Betsy is a strange being of untold abilities and gifts, who likely comes from another, more powerful dimension. Margaret (Facsimile) can multiply herself into seven personages and is one of the world's greatest martial arts masters. Emma (Titania) generates an aura which makes her totally invincible and grants her superhuman strength and flight.

The spouses of Mom-Lady's children are also heroes in their own right. Angela (Ms. Park) is the wife of Mr. Mastermind and is technopathic and cyberkinetic; she can create and manipulate any technology known to man. Steve ("K"), Tripoli's husband, is made of the fused psyches of dual heroes capable of time travel and corporal possession. Ann is married to Helios, and she has tremendous power over the growth and action of plant life. Micah, Betsy's spouse, is likely gifted as well, though he has never revealed his abilities to anybody. Margaret's love, James, is secretive about his powers, but it is understood that he too is gifted and could at any time reveal his abilities.

Mom-Lady's grandchildren represent the next generation of super-powered heroes. She has twelve grandchildren, who possess in their genes potential of such cosmic magnitude that their very existence is kept secret from world powers; it is likely that more than one could be omega-class mutants. As they are all children, however, it is unknown what their futures may hold.

In order to provide a safe shelter for her posterity and their allies, Mom-Lady prefers to remain in the Secret Kitchen, the home base of The Family. From there she keeps a constant watch on all the doings of her children, avoiding conflict while taking careful note of all their progress and decisions. Rarely does she reveal all that she knows, and to some it may even seem as though she is in some way oblivious to the world around her. However, she is always conscious of the machinations and designs of the world, and more often than not the world finds that she has been watching from afar with an intimate knowledge of current events. And while the world would love to use her tremendous powers to their own advantage, none of them can subvert her indomitable commitment to truth and justice. She is a mother to all, with equal love and concern for every human being, who seems to know far more than she says. Whether or not the world will ever find out all that she knows, perhaps only she can say.

Re: Mom - Mom-Lady

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:35 am
by Tuly
Don't have to TBA them sonny. Instead of an apron for my costume as much as I love aprons, I'm thinking PJ's for my out fit. Superpowers - can see the future and sense danger in any kitchen PLUS can heal physical and emotional ailments.

Re: Mom - Mom-Lady

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:39 am
by Ian

Re: Mom - Mom-Lady

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:37 pm
by Edward
What on Earth does that image have to do with anything? Good mercy, that's so sad!

And Mom, danger in any kitchen? I mean OK, but that's still kind of . . . weird. And please, the apron was cool at least but PJ's? That's not even trying!

Re: Mom - Mom-Lady

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 10:47 pm
by Edward
By the way, all of the TBA's will be replaced with the information as I receive it. Patience, all!