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Happy Birthday Relief Society!!

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 6:04 pm
by Tuly
Because of St. Patrick's Day, I somehow forget to give honor to the largest women's organization in the world. Since I was a young woman I have received guidance and great counsel from this wonderful organization. Here is a little history about it.
The Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized in Nauvoo, Illinois, on 17 March 1842. On that day, twenty women met with the Prophet Joseph Smith as he began what he shortly after called “a select Society separate from all the evils of the world, choice, virtuous, and holy.” (Minutes of the Female Relief Society of Nauvoo, 30 Mar. 1842.)

Over the next few months, the women met together often to search out and help feed, clothe, and house the needy. Elizabeth Ann Whitney, a counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, praised the sisters “who were uniting their faith with their works.” (Ibid., 26 May 1842.) And when treasurer Elvira A. Holmes later reported their year’s donations, she said that “much good had been done and the hearts of many made to rejoice.” (Ibid., 16 June 1843.)

The women of Nauvoo also strengthened each other spiritually. Elizabeth Ann Whitney “rejoiced that we could enjoy the privilege of associating together to converse on things of the kingdom to comfort and edify each other.” (Ibid., 15 July 1843.)

Membership grew from an initial group of 20 in March 1842 to about 1,300 over the next two years.

Re: Happy Birthday Relief Society!!

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:58 am
by Edward
The Relief Society started on St. Patrick's day? :bugeyes:

Re: Happy Birthday Relief Society!!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:29 pm
by Tuly
This is from President Monson:
Charity Never Faileth

The motto “Charity Never Faileth” stems from the first Relief Society meeting. The sisters were asked by the Prophet Joseph Smith to assist the brethren “in looking to the wants of the poor-searching after objects of charity, and in administering to their wants.” The sisters took this call to heart and became a society devoted to seeking out the poor and needy. (See Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 452.)

“I have always loved your Relief Society motto: 'Charity never faileth' (1 Corinthians 13:8). What is charity? The prophet Mormon teaches us that 'charity is the pure love of Christ' (”Moroni 7:47). In his farewell message to the Lamanites, Moroni declared, 'Except ye have charity ye can in nowise be saved in the kingdom of God' (Moroni 10:21). I consider charity-or 'the pure love of Christ'-to be the opposite of criticism and judging. In speaking of charity, I do not at this moment have in mind the relief of the suffering through the giving of our substance. That, of course, is necessary and proper. Tonight, however, I have in mind the charity that manifests itself when we are tolerant of others and lenient toward their actions, the kind of charity that forgives, the kind of charity that is patient“ (”Charity Never Faileth,“ general Relief Society meeting, Sept. 25, 2010).

Re: Happy Birthday Relief Society!!

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 6:50 pm
by Tuly
I think we have more Relief Society sisters in us than St.Patty's Day folks. So Happy Birthday Relief Society!!!

Re: Happy Birthday Relief Society!!

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 3:35 pm
by Tuly
Happy St. Patrick's day!! And Happy Birthday Relief Society!!
In the first meeting of the Relief Society, Sister Emma Smith said, “We are going to do something extraordinary.” She was right. The history of Relief Society is filled with examples of ordinary women who have accomplished extraordinary things as they have exercised faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Relief Society was established to help prepare daughters of God for the blessings of eternal life. The purposes of Relief Society are to increase faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and provide relief by seeking out and helping those in need. Women fulfill these purposes as they seek, receive, and act on personal revelation in their callings and in their personal lives.
Sister Belle S. Spafford, the ninth Relief Society general president, said: “The average woman today, I believe, would do well to appraise her interests, evaluate the activities in which she is engaged, and then take steps to simplify her life, putting things of first importance first, placing emphasis where the rewards will be greatest and most enduring, and ridding herself of the less rewarding activities.”

Re: Happy Birthday Relief Society!!

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:00 am
by Tuly
Happy Birthday Relief Society -
Female Disciples in the Latter Days

The women in the ancient Church were dignified and noble, needed and valued. They served others, increased in personal holiness, and participated in the great work of saving souls.

These patterns have been restored in the latter days through the organization of the Relief Society. The Prophet Joseph Smith declared, “The Church was never perfectly organized until the women were thus organized.” Sister Eliza R. Snow, the second Relief Society general president, reiterated this teaching. She said: “Although the name may be of modern date, the institution is of ancient origin. We were told by our martyred prophet that the same organization existed in the church anciently.”

Besides Joseph Smith, other latter-day prophets have testified that the organization of Relief Society is an inspired part of the Restoration, whereby women in the Church are called in ecclesiastical positions to serve one another and to bless the entire Church. President Joseph F. Smith, the sixth President of the Church, said, “This organization is divinely made, divinely authorized, divinely instituted, divinely ordained of God to minister for the salvation of the souls of women and of men.” To a group of Relief Society sisters, President Lorenzo Snow, the fifth President of the Church, said: “You have ever been found at the side of the Priesthood, ready to strengthen their hands and to do your part in helping to advance the interests of the kingdom of God; and as you have shared in these labors, so you will most certainly share in the triumph of the work and in the exaltation and glory which the Lord will give to His faithful children.”

Re: Happy Birthday Relief Society!!

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:42 pm
by Edward
Funny how we made a bigger fuss over St. Patrick's Day than we did over this anniversary in my ward. Hmm. Where are our priorities? hehe

Re: Happy Birthday Relief Society!!

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:51 am
by Tuly
Happy Birthday Relief Society - the biggest women's organization in the world. I love this organization of women. I have been a part of it since I was 18-years old. I also saw my mom the few times she was president of Relief Society in her English and Spanish ward serve the women. Her many acts of service had a strong impression on me on this wonderful organization. I don't know how she fulfilled that callings as a single mom and then married to a non-member. I know I could never have done it without the incredible support of John.
Here is great statement from ... _&lang=eng
Celebrate the restoration of Relief Society

Sister Stephens noted that Joseph Smith restored the Relief Society. We know little about a formal women’s organization at the time of the Savior. But “the restoration of an ancient pattern is so significant,” said Sister Reeves. “Women were vital participants in the Savior’s day.”

Sister Burton added, “It wasn’t just a group of sewing sisters. This was ‘something better,’ the Prophet Joseph said.”

Sister Stephens said Relief Society sisters today could learn much by studying the women in the scriptures. “Martha and Mary, Phoebe, Tabitha, and Priscilla, along with many other women named and unnamed were disciples of Jesus Christ and active participants in the Lord’s ministry.”

“You can see what they did and how they followed the Savior and ministered to Him and how He ministered to them,” said Sister Reeves.

“He forgave them, had compassion on them, taught them in their homes and on the seashores,” said Sister Burton.

Relief Society “is a temporal and a spiritual work,” said Sister Stephens. “That is what the women did in the Savior’s day, and that is what we continue to do.”

Celebrate the purpose of Relief Society

The purpose of Relief Society, Sister Burton explained, is to “prepare women for the blessings of eternal life.” That is accomplished as sisters increase faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes as they make and keep sacred covenants, and offer relief to those in need, working in unity with priesthood holders, she added.

Sister Burton said understanding the purpose of Relief Society will not only bless the lives of individual women, but it will also help them bless the lives of others “in their homes and families and also in their communities.”

Celebrate “who we are”

“The First Presidency has told us who we are: beloved daughters of Heavenly Father and dedicated disciples of Jesus Christ who are part of a great worldwide sisterhood,” said Sister Burton, noting that there are almost 7 million Relief Society members in 185 different countries. “We are sisters,” she said.

“We are covenant women,” added Sister Reeves.

“The ordinances we receive and the associated covenants we keep set us apart from the world,” noted Sister Stephens.

It is not “just a nice organization,” said Sister Burton. “Think of it. We are beloved daughters of a loving Father in Heaven. We are dedicated disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. And we are part of a great worldwide sisterhood. We are sisters.”

Celebrate “our vital part” in the work

Sister Reeves said there has never been a time in history that women have faced more distractions than they do today. “Many of the choices we make are not between good and bad; they are between good, better, and best,” Sister Stephens said.

“This is our opportunity to be unified in the work—not just the temporal work, but the spiritual work,” said Sister Stephens. She said women are looking to accomplish something big. “But the extraordinary thing is that we do small things behind closed doors—small and simple things that make an extraordinary difference.”

Sister Stephens said as women “act on a prompting to do a small and simple thing, that small and simple thing may mean the world to someone else.”

Sister Reeves said Latter-day Saint women should petition the Lord about the needs of their sisters. Then they can express the love that He expresses, she said. “He is so anxious to bless our lives, and we help Him with His work.”

Celebrate those who have gone before

Today, we celebrate not only the work of early Relief Society leaders but also the significant contributions of past Relief Society leaders, said Sister Burton, noting that her presidency and board members recently attended a luncheon with several past Relief Society general presidencies and board members.

“Their inspiring influence continues on,” she said. “Wow! What marvelous women.” She said Church members also celebrate the teachings of former Relief Society leaders. “We have many of their words in Daughters in My Kingdom, side by side with modern-day prophets,” she said. “We celebrate that.”

Re: Happy Birthday Relief Society!!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 10:20 am
by Tuly
Happy Birthday Relief Society!! I'm repeating the purpose again of Relief Society, because frankly I need the reminder and it is such a wonderful, simple purpose.

Relief Society helps prepare women for the blessings of eternal life as they:

Increase faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement

Strengthen families and homes through ordinances and covenants

Work in unity to help those in need

As Relief Society sisters participate in the work of salvation, we become disciples of Jesus Christ. We strive to understand the doctrine of the Atonement of Jesus Christ to increase our faith and our desire to live righteously. We participate in priesthood ordinances and cheerfully cleave to covenants made, which give us greater access to priesthood power, and strengthen our families and homes. Working in unity with priesthood brethren, we minister to and help those in need with charity, the pure love of Christ. As we do these things, we become “one” with the Father and the Son.

“It is our fervent prayer that each of us will open our hearts and let the Lord engrave in them the doctrines of the Atonement, covenants, and unity.”—Linda K. Burton

Re: Happy Birthday Relief Society!!

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 11:31 am
by Tuly
Happy St. Patrick's Day! AND Happy 175th anniversary Relief Society!!! - As women we have a cause. Our cause is what Relief Society stands for -
The purpose and work of Relief Society in the work of salvation, which is: “Relief Society helps prepare women for the blessings of eternal life as they increase faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement; strengthen individuals, families, and homes through ordinances and covenants; and work in unity to help those in need.” ... _&lang=eng
Near the end of her service, Sister Belle Spafford, who served as the Relief Society General President for nearly 30 years, expressed her feelings about Relief Society.

At the time (1966), the membership of Relief Society was nearly 300,000 women. Fifty years later (2016) there has been a 25-fold increase in our membership—now more than 7 million women! Sister Spafford testified with power and remarkable vision: “Relief Society will stand increasingly firm and strong, a beacon light and guiding star for women of all nations.

“It will continue to rise until it becomes a mighty bulwark against the forces of evil that would engulf women and threaten their homes and loved ones. It will bring peace to the soul and love into the hearts and lives of endless members of our Father’s daughters. … May the women of today and tomorrow cherish Relief Society, advance its work, and love one another” (History of Relief Society 1842–1966 [1966], 140).

Re: Happy Birthday Relief Society!!

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 9:26 am
by Tuly
Happy St. Patrick's Day!! and Happy 176th birthday Relief Society!!
This lovely book is online - At The Pulpit by Jennifer Reeder ( who I knew when she was a little girl when we lived at PV 1 ward) and Kate Holbrook. ... t?lang=eng
“At the Pulpit,” authored by Church historians Jennifer Reeder and Kate Holbrook, showcases 54 speeches given by Mormon women since the founding of the Church. The talks focus on doctrinal themes and were selected from every decade from 1831 to 2016.

Reeder and Holbrook gathered the early talks by digging through old Relief Society minute books, newspapers, magazines, journals, conference reports and other resources. Two of the newspapers they searched through were the “Millennial Star” and the “Women’s Exponent.”

“‘At the Pulpit’ comes alive when people use it. While we know women gave great talks of doctrinal importance, we recognize the power and meaning of those words when we understand their lives that produced such testimony,” said Reeder.