Bryn - Helios

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Bryn - Helios

Post by Edward »

Powers: Bio-energetic physiology; body systems composed of energized matter; unlimited speed and physical sensation
Last edited by Edward on Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:12 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Bryn - Helios

Post by Edward »


Young Bryn was much like any other boy, playful, happy, and kind, although from his earliest years he possessed an unusually stoic disposition and a rare determination to prove himself which far exceeded that of his peers. As he matured, however, his unique mutant abilities manifested themselves in an devastating explosion of tremendous energy which would leave him emotionally scarred and spiritually haunted for years to come.

Bryn’s mutant powers erupted too quickly for his young mind to comprehend. At some point as he began to reach maturity, his actual physical nature changed and his mutant powers exploded in a terrifying display of unlimited - and uncontrollable - power. Immediately, Bryn's abilities flared out of control, transforming him into a being of living energy. His body became an incomprehensible blend of sentience and force, blasting him across the land with every movement. For days, possibly weeks, he was unleashed on the world, tearing across the earth with no way to slow himself, or indeed, even to perceive what he had become. Only a massive effort by Mom-Lady, the Magnificent Mother of Might, could subdue him, and she put him into a profound coma that stabilized him and returned him to a functioning, but never again normal, human state.

It was slowly discovered by Mr. Mastermind that Bryn's incredible energetic form means that he is no longer bound to the limits of space, and possibly even time. His bodily functions move at such tremendous speeds that he can traverse immeasurable distances almost instantaneously, and thus according to Mastermind's theories, he can potentially cross the barriers of time if he moves at a powerful enough speed. With such massive energy before them, Mom-Lady and Mr. Mastermind decided that Bryn would have to learn about his powers as quickly as possible to prevent what could be a devastating catastrophe. Recognizing the tremendous impact his powers would have on the world and on himself, Bryn assumed the name of Helios as his new identity, drawing from the Greek god of the Sun who was at once magnificent and terrible in his glory.

The nature of Helios' powers are such that he is capable of incalculable speeds which can tear him across the universe in an instant. In a sense, he does not even exist within the confines of our universe when in his energetic, or ionic, state. He is thus in fact almost omnipresent; at will he can instantly reach any point in the universe, unhindered by distance or the understood laws of physics and motion, and he can move through space so quickly that he may almost be in multiple places at the same time. Such tremendous force and energy is by all accounts limitless - it is not even known whether or not he fully exists in our dimension. But this is all but the potential of what Helios is capable of - in actuality, he seldom, if ever, approaches such awesome extremes in the use of his powers, though it would seem to the typical mortal that he does. The only thing which keeps Helios within our realm of understanding is the fact that most of his power is still in fact latent, and has yet to fully develop - and he is, despite these gifts, a human being in a physical world. Thus his mortal body suffers extremely as it struggles to adapt to the massive forces which at times all but consume it as his powers increase and change, and it would seem that his physical self can only partially contain the ionic being within.

When energized, Helios possesses almost limitless potential speed and astonishingly rapid reflexes - in fact, they are not only powerful, but are probably unrivaled by any superhero in the known world, and the distance he can cover in just a few short seconds is incomprehensible. In regards to the amount of energy he can generate as a result of his speed, he is absolutely unrivaled. Unhindered by friction, time, space or stamina, Helios is a force in himself, more potent than human understanding can possibly define. It is possible that, at the most extreme height of his power, he could generate the same amount of energy as a small sun. He moves at incomprehensible speeds that rival even the efficiency of teleportation, and his body can generate such an incredible force of motion that he could possibly pass in and out of a black hole and without being affected by the unspeakable forces within. But to test if such extreme potential is in fact legitimate is not only dangerous. It terrifies him, and he does all he can to avoid driving himself to the limits of what he is capable of.

In his ionic state, Helios appears as a glowing personage who radiates a brilliant, silvery light which is at once terribly luminescent and yet difficult to perceive. He moves so incredibly fast that he almost appears simply as a flickering beam of energy. Mr. Mastermind postulates that Helios is not fully tethered to this universe; it is possible that he could be in multiple dimensions at once while keeping only a transcendent foot in our own. The multiplicity of senses, experiences, and emotions which he endures are inexplicable to others, and he is in so many ways alone. Helios' abilities include perception beyond what he can even describe - even the slightest change of hue becomes to him a universe of variation involving every facet of his being. For him, color has a taste, music has a scent, light has a sound. And in all of these things, Bryn is alone. In fact, he has become terrified of his uncontrollable and undefinable powers, which have only made them a greater threat both to him and the world.

After years of long and grueling training, Helios learned to subdue his energized state by sheer force of will, itself a remarkable talent. In general, Helios can bridle the force of his abilities in order to assume a normal human appearance, thus becoming physiologically stable but limiting access to his powers to a certain degree. This allows him to "rest" from the strain of his gifts while also normalizing his life just enough for him to feel a faint sense of his humanity. In this "humanized" state, he can still move at lightning speeds and his senses are far sharper than those of any other life-form. He can move any muscle in his body with precise control, and while he is about three times stronger than the strongest human, that strength is only a by-product of speed which defines him. He can spin his arms fast enough to generate whirlwinds, rub his hands quick enough to starts fires, and race his legs fast enough to run on water. This is all while in his "normalized" state, when he has subdued the cosmic degree of power which is infinitely more powerful and destructive. Yet while he can somewhat deactivate his powers thus for limited periods of time, it requires sustained conscious effort to do so, and extreme emotional stress can forcibly revert him to his ionic state. Indeed he often finds himself losing control of his inner fire, and they have been unleashed at times with damaging consequences, requiring the continual vigilance of The Family in order to prevent them from becoming true disasters. In a tragic way, it is his abilities which control him more than he controls them. Indeed, by the strictest definition Helios does not actually possess tremendous power - rather, he is a tremendous power himself.

The magnitude of his powers has transformed Helios into a haunted, profoundly unstable individual. He is a tragic wanderer, too frightened of his own abilities to risk permanent attachments in the fear that he might do something to harm them. So vast is his potential might that he is not even sure of whether or not he can even exist in the understood universe as a human being, constantly shadowed by the fear of what his powers may force him to become. Unsure of what he is or where he belongs, Helios is both unsettled and unfocused. Yet at the same time, he maintains a sad dedication to creating some purpose for himself, even if he cannot believe that such a purpose will be anything but futile and disastrous in the end.

In his desperate struggle to define himself, Helios has sought counsel and support from many sources, though his allegiances fluctuate to the point that he cannot claim fraternity with any one group or body. However, personal friendships have proven to be essential to his emotional stability and happiness. While working with The Family he cemented the bond between himself and his brother Psion, whose tremendous telepathic abilities have proven invaluable to Helios as he tries to understand himself and his traumatic changes. Psion's telepathic ability to subdue the thoughts (and thus the powers) of others allows him to restrain Bryn's powers to an extent; however, Helios' erratic mental processes and bizarre psychological state make it incredibly difficult for Psion to accurately asses and fully grasp his thoughts and feelings. From Psion's point of view, they appear to flicker from one plane to another so fast that not even his marvelous psychic powers can fully restrain them. Nonetheless, his intense and careful telepathic counseling has provided emotional relief to Bryn during his struggles, and the two are always very close regardless of their other alliances.

However, while Psion has become a trusted confidante who has won Helios' loyalty, it cannot be said that Helios has won the loyalty of The Family as a whole. His unstable powers make him unpredictable in battle, and sometimes he even poses a threat to the other members of the team. He has too often led other members to harm, either by his inability to activate his abilities or by his incapacity to control them, and the constant frustration has become burdensome to everybody who depends on him or on his gifts. The fact that his powers could be so tremendously helpful while being so totally uncontrollable has led the team to exclude him on multiple occasions so as to avoid any potential disasters in the field.

As a result of that apparent scorn, and sensing his need to belong, Mr. Mastermind and Ms. Park often petition Bryn to join them in their own quest to better the world (by any means necessary). Considering their extreme nature, Helios' powers could potentially make him a mighty asset to their cause; he is essentially an unlimited energy source with the innate potential to generate enough power to fuel an entire civilization. Mr. Mastermind has even put forth the idea that Helios could represent a beacon of hope for all of humanity should he choose to join him in the Temple of Reason and help him perpetuate his designs. Mr. Mastermind's claims are not unfounded - after all, he is perhaps the only person with the ability to truly comprehend what Helios is capable of. Mastermind's omniscience allows him to understand Helios in a way that Bryn himself cannot. Yet though he completely understands how Helios' powers operate, he cannot actually access that power himself, nor see what transpires in the deepest recesses of his heart - unlike Psion, who can see Bryn's thoughts and direct his powers, but conversely cannot entirely comprehend them. Bryn thus often feels torn between Ian’s tantalizing logic and analytical understanding of his gifts, verses the homely morals of The Family and their promises of utility and belonging. One greets him with welcoming arms but questionable goals, the other with unrivaled ethics but unsettled problems with his past. Ian wants to use him as a source of power and a instrument towards achieving his designs, the Family wants him to master himself as a servant of humanity, and Psion simply wants him to find meaning and purpose in his awesome power.

Despite his endless psychological struggles, Helios was fortunate to discover for himself the one power which may be greater than his own - love. Despite his listless nature and recurring instabilities, Bryn became enamored with the mystical medical botanist Ann, world expert on plant life and one of the great geneticists of the age. Ann had been working on a way to use rare plants to subdue the powers of those mutants whose abilities made life impossible either for themselves or for others, something Bryn felt his desperately needed. He approached her as a client; he soon became her spouse. Ann's own ability to manipulate plant life helped her to create a number of concoctions and medications which have demonstrated the possibility of subduing his powers to an extent, although they have so far proven to be mild in their potency and limited in their duration; furthermore they have proven totally ineffective while he is in his charged state. Supportive, encouraging, and stable, Ann is still convinced that Bryn can learn to control his powers. However, she fears what he is capable of, as do all who know him, and they secretly wonders at times whether his immense power might grow to control him before he can control it. Yet Ann is undaunted in her efforts to save him from himself, and she will go to any lengths to help him master his abilities. Undeterred by the challenges they face, she is a potent factor in Bryn's life, which could very well make her one of his last defenses against the awesome power which is Helios himself.
Last edited by Edward on Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:36 pm, edited 40 times in total.
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Re: Bryn - ?

Post by John »

Wait. Wait. Is there a disparity between logic and morality? :confused:
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Re: Bryn - ?

Post by Edward »

John wrote:Wait. Wait. Is there a disparity between logic and morality? :confused:
Oh Father, don't you know that the two are always struggling against each other in the Superhero Universe? :duh:

Nah but it's just such a fun dichotomy to put down that I just had to keep it in. The supposed juxtaposition is good for ... um, getting into character! Yeah, that's it!

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Re: Bryn - ?

Post by Edward »

So Bryn, where are all of those exciting ideas you've been brewing up, eh?
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Re: Bryn - ?

Post by Edward »

Hmm. Still no name? Maybe we can call you Anonymity Man!
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Re: Bryn - ?

Post by Bryn »

I was maybe thinking something like Horatio.
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Re: Bryn - ?

Post by Edward »

Or Bob! Everybody loves Bob!
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Re: Bryn - ?

Post by Bryn »

or maybe Hal.
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Re: Bryn - ?

Post by Edward »

That's already taken. The Green Lantern's real name is Hal Jordan.
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Re: Bryn - ?

Post by Edward »

Here are some suggestions using the names of planets, elements, and gods from mythology:


Personally, I like Helios a lot. It seems to have a very positive connotation, and it has implications which I think reflects the qualities of your character well.
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Re: Bryn - ?

Post by Bryn »

Yeah, let's do Helios. That works.
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Re: Bryn - Helios

Post by Edward »

It is done then - Helios it is then!
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